All Access Unlimited
$200.00 per month
Monthly Unlimited Include: 
In Person classes at Prema Fulton & Prema Annex, Livestreams, Video Calls & Replay library.
If an pre-registered for in person class is not canceled within 12 hours or is a no show, a $10 fee will be added to your account. No exceptions.We encourage you to not pre-register and sign up closer to the time if you are uncomfortable with the policy.
(Does not include special workshops or retreats). 
**This is an Auto Renew pass. If you'd like to cancel, you may do so at any time yourself through your account Dashboard.

Studio policies:
  • Bring only what is necessary, less is more!
  • No late arrivals. Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to class to get settled. Studio doors will be locked 5 minutes after class begins.
  • Please turn OFF your cell phone prior to entering the studio. In the studio space, we are offline. If you need to use your phone or watch, please go outside. 
  • All class/workshop purchases are non refundable and non transferable. Please honor our small business and be respectful of our policies.